Family Fitness Snow-tivities

On christmas… or let’s say the week of christmas, if we’re being realistic, is full of all sorts of sweets and great food.

Also we tend to sway from our normal routines because of obvious reasons, family time and relaxation.

People gain a ton of weight around the holidays especially Christmas.

So instead of being a hypocrite, preaching about over indulging on Christmas. 

Let me give you some fun ideas to burn some extra calories during the christmas week. While also spending more time with your family.

1. Be the one to make the treats.

Not only can you choose a healthy choice of treats.

For example: Banana bread, Oatmeal or peanut butter cookies, instead of brownies, chocolate chip or sugar cookies.

But you are also moving around and staying active to make sure those delicious treats come out the way you want them to!

To make sure your bonding with your family make it an event for you and a couple family members.

2. Go for a walk,

Think about how nice the snow covered outdoors will look. Not only will you relieve stress, you will be walking and burning calories.

Invite your family to go with you! Make it an event so it makes it less of a chore.

3. Have a snowball fight.

If you are someone who’s not looking to get wailed in the face with an ice block. Play with younger kids. Or play with people you can trust and agree with that it’s just a game, not a means to injure each other.

This way you are having family fun while getting a little running in, which is essentially high knees because of the deep snow. Also you’ll be working on core stability because of the dodging and trying not to slip on the snow.

4. Go snowshoeing.

If you’re up for it, snowshoeing can be a great use of energy. Go for a walk that challenges you. This works like a walk, but you can usually adventure into more untouched terrain.

5. Ice skating.

Find a local ice skating rink to go to with friends or family. If it’s cold enough go to a pond and skate for free. Also if you feel stable enough try and hit a puck around for hand eye coordination.

6. Go skiing or snowboarding.

Skiing or snowboarding takes a lot of effort and will burn tons of calories. Using core stability and a focused mind body connection the whole time will ensure you make it down the mountain in one piece.

I hope these ideas for Family Fitness Snow-tivities help you get through the week of christmas feeling confident you tried your best to stay on top of your healthy living goals. Also remember all of these things can be done alone or as a family! Whichever works best!