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Tina A.

I started working out with Aaron a few months ago. I look forward to our sessions 3-4x a week. He designs the workouts exactly for my goals. I've already noticed progress. Extremely knowledgeable, professional and personable.

Kevin P.

Personal training Nashua

Aaron is a wonderful personal trainer. He is friendly, personable, and customizes workouts to your ability and goals. During the pandemic, he seamlessly transitioned to virtual workouts, so I was able to continue my program from home. From a business standpoint, he is communicative and readily adjusts his schedule to work around mine. Highly recommended!

Cedric H.

Personal Trainer Nashua

Aaron is hands down the best personal trainer my wife and I have ever had. He is very accommodating when it comes to scheduling and understands thats we have a personal life. I’ve never had an issue getting my workout it on short notice with him. He has given us great nutritional advice along with the training which has improved our results drastically. He is very aware of personal health concerns (I have a slightly bad knee) and will help with getting you into good condition without straining existing injuries. He has very reasonably priced workout options, and every penny has been worth it. Everyone I know has noticed my physical progress with only going a few times a week. He’s set me up for a healthier lifestyle and better nutritional decisions, if you are on the fence go for it, you won’t find a better option.

Bill M.

I have been a client of Aaron’s since the November 2015.  I had never worked out at a gym and was not sure how best to go about getting into shape.  Aaron taught me how to use my own body weight and traditional weights to achieve my goals.  He teaches you proper form and pays close attention to every detail.  He is always on time and professional.  He is very easy to talk to and always up beat.  He knows when to challenge you and when to slow down.  I always look forward to our training sessions.  

Bill M

terry B.

To Whom It May Concern,

I have been training with Aaron for about 1-1/2 years. Aaron is very patient, attentive and has a wide range of knowledge in the field of Personal Training. He is very complete in his training approach, provides easy-to-follow instructions for me to understand each exercise, what muscle I am using and why exercise should be completed as instructed. His social skills are very good and I really enjoy our interactions.

Since I have been training with Aaron, my strength keeps growing and my definition has improved immensely. I look forward to our training sessions.

Aaron's professionalism, knowledge and flexibility has set him apart from others in this field and he keeps me a loyal client.


Terry B.

Nancy D.

I have been working out with Aaron as my personal trainer for approximately two years. During this time he has helped me surpass any goals I have had in regards to my overall health and fitness. I have always been an active individual, but focused mostly on cardio exercise. Working with weights, targeting specific muscle groups, and strengthening my core was never my idea of an exercise regimen until I was diagnosed with osteopenia.

My objective was to find a personal trainer who could make my workout challenging, which was important to me as a "senior", and also something that I would look forward to. Aaron has accomplished this with flying colors! He always has a plan for our twice-a-week sessions with specific goals in mind. He respects my age, but pushes me to my potential and then some. I know Aaron has an excellent understanding of body mechanics, and he adjusts my posture and/or my equipment to maintain my safety. We try different exercises so my sessions are never boring. However, they are consistent to what I need to focus on.

I have worked with a variety of personal trainers in the past five years, and Aaron is by far the best of the bunch. He is always pleasant, prepared, and encouraging, and I look forward to every session. I highly recommend Aaron to anyone at any level of fitness.

Nancy D.

Helen M.

I have always been an avid walker and was very content with that form of exercise. I had no desire to join a gym. I simply did not have the drive or discipline to stick to a gym regimen. That all changed when my sister joined a gym and got a membership for me as well. Convinced that I would never go unless I had some direction, I signed up for one month of personal training. Well, that was almost 3 years ago. I now am so committed because I have the privilege of working with one of the most dedicated, knowledgeable and professional young trainers, Aaron Bailey.

I was in my late 50's when I first started training. I started to notice that my strength and stamina had begun to diminish. My balance and flexibility were in decline. Working in my garden used to be an all-day event that I enjoyed. Before I started working out with Aaron, I could only work for about 1/2 hour before aches and pains set in. My motivation was depleted and I would easily become exhausted. Aaron evaluated my issues and devised a plan to improve my overall health; to strengthen all my weaknesses and build up my stamina.

Aaron is always very enthusiastic, energetic and positive in every session. His attitude is key to helping his clients reap the benefits of hard work. Lots of encouragement is offered by Aaron so he can push in a way that inspires me to persevere. His constant, "You go this", motivates and encourages me to do more. He's ever so patient and knows when I'm ready for more reps or weight. His workouts are fun yet always challenging.

One important trait shared by highly successful trainers is the ability to focus and pay attention to the client. When Aaron is training someone, that person has his complete and undivided attention. He is never distracted by what is going on around him. He is always watching for the correct form and posture and will quickly guide me back on track if I'm off. He constantly adds different exercises along with new challenges. He has enough experience to know when I could be pushed harder. He manages to avoid any exercise that would be too painful or cause injury or leave me feeling defeated. I always leave each session feeling great!

Aaron has not only been instrumental in the improvement of my overall fitness but, my mindset as well. Because of Aaron's training I feel strong, I have better balance and I am more flexible. My mood has lightened, I sleep better, my energy level has greatly improved and I don't need to rely on caffeine for a quick pick up!

The combination of Aaron's enthusiasm, professionalism, extensive knowledge and dedication provide his clients with the greatest reward of a positive healthy lifestyle. He's the best!

Helen M.

Marylou M.

I have been fortunate to work with Aaron for over two years.  He is a dedicated and knowledgeable trainer.  He is consistently attentive to me during our sessions – talking me through each exercise and correcting my form.  Aaron carefully and thoroughly explains the how’s and why’s of the exercises I do as well as the benefits of each.  Every session is customized to fit my goals and abilities.  He is patient and only increases the weight or reps when he feels I’m ready for it.  Aaron never has me attempt something he doesn’t think I can do.  But he challenges me every time and stretches my capabilities.  He recognizes my physical limitations and works with me to strengthen them.  

Aaron has always been flexible when needed.  He has not missed one of our appointments; he is on time for every session; and accommodates my schedule when I need to change days or times.  Aaron is pleasant, has a great sense of humor, and a positive attitude.  His words of encouragement keep me coming back for more.  

He is a fitness professional with emphasis on professional.  I would strongly recommend Aaron as a personal trainer.

Marylou M.

Richard F.

I have been a client of Aaron’s since February of 2016.  This is my first experience with a trainer, and I am very pleased to have been assigned to Aaron.  He is always upbeat and and challenges what I’m able to do in a half hour session.  He recognizes when and how much to push an old goat...and when to cool it a bit.  I look forward to the sessions and feel he does a great job.  Feel to reach me if you would like more feedback

Richard F.